JQuery Game – King of Fighters – lesson 4
JQuery – The Background image




Now we add the background, I used a animated .gif to develop faster.
The new code:

/* Background */
#background {
        position: absolute;
        width: 1536px;
	height: 704px;
	margin-left: 192px;
	margin-top: 50px;
	background: url(css/images-gimme-code-2013-0016/background.gif) no-repeat 0 0; /* A animated gif as background image */
	border: 2px solid silver;
#controls {
    position: absolute;

#terrybogard {
    position: absolute;
<div id="background">

A div container for the game, a div for controls, a div for the character.
NOTICE: the position is absolute, we need the exact coordinates of game DOM elements.



The Complete Source Code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Don't Break My b***s - Gimme Code! Project                                              -->
<!-- Author: Andrea Tonin - http://blog.lucedigitale.com                                     -->
<!-- This code come with absolutely no warranty                                              -->
<!-- If you use this code in your project please give a link to http://blog.lucedigitale.com -->
<!-- Thanks in advance                                                                       -->
<title>JQuery Game - King of Fighters</title>

<style type="text/css" media="screen">

body {
	background: url(css/images-gimme-code-2013-0016/background-page.jpg) no-repeat 0 0;

#copyright {
    color: white;
	padding: 10px;
	font-size: .75em;
	color: silver;

/* Background */
#background {
    position: absolute;
    width: 1536px;
	height: 704px;
	margin-left: 192px;
	margin-top: 50px;
	background: url(css/images-gimme-code-2013-0016/background.gif) no-repeat 0 0; /* A animated gif as background image */
	border: 2px solid silver;

#controls {
    position: absolute;

#terrybogard {
    position: absolute;

/* Anim Stand START */
@-webkit-keyframes stand {
    from { background-position: 0px; }
    to { background-position: -1536px; } /* The width of the sprite sheet is 1536px, the sprite sheet moves from left to right  */

@-moz-keyframes stand {
    from { background-position: 0px; }
    to { background-position: -1536px; }

@keyframes stand {
    from { background-position: 0px; }
    to { background-position: -1536px; }
/* Anim Stand END */

/* Anim Punch START */
@-webkit-keyframes punch {
    from { background-position: 0px; }
    to { background-position: -1280px; } /* The width of the sprite sheet is 1280px, the sprite sheet moves from left to right  */

@-moz-keyframes puch {
    from { background-position: 0px; }
    to { background-position: -1280px; }

@keyframes punch {
    from { background-position: 0px; }
    to { background-position: -1280px; }
/* Anim Punch END */

#terrybogard .stand {
 width: 256px; /* Animation Container - width and height of a single frame */
 height: 256px;
 background: url(css/images-gimme-code-2013-0016/stand.png) no-repeat 0 0; /* A sprite as background image */
 /* Animation START */
    -webkit-animation: stand .9s steps(6, end) infinite;  /* 0.9 seconds total animation time, 6 frames in the sprite sheet, infinite loop */
    -moz-animation: stand .9s steps(6, end) infinite;
    animation: stand .9s steps(6, end) infinite;
 /* Animation END */

#terrybogard .punch {
 width: 256px; /* Animation Container - width and height of a single frame */
 height: 256px;
 background: url(css/images-gimme-code-2013-0016/punch-right.png) no-repeat 0 0; /* A sprite as background image */
 /* Animation START */
    -webkit-animation: punch .9s steps(5, end) infinite;  /* 0.9 seconds total animation time, 5 frames in the sprite sheet, infinite loop */
    -moz-animation: punch .9s steps(5, end) infinite;
    animation: punch .9s steps(5, end) infinite;
 /* Animation END */

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-2.0.3.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

  /* At the end of the punch animation of 0.9 seconds return to stand animation START */
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 900); 
  // return to stand animation END
  /* SFX punch START */
  $("audio.sfx")[0].play(); /* Select the first compatible audio in the array and play mp3 or ogg */
  /* SFX punch END */
<!--  Background container START -->
<div id="background">
<div id="controls"><p><button id="buttonstand">STAND</button></p><p><button id="buttonpunch">PUNCH</button></p></div>
<div id="terrybogard">
<div class="stand">&nbsp;</div>

<div id="musicHolder">
<!-- Make an invisible audio tag (without controls, no autoplay) and preload it -->
<audio preload="auto" class="sfx">
  <source src="css/images-gimme-code-2013-0016/punch.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
  <source src="css/images-gimme-code-2013-0016/punch.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
  Your browser does not support this audio format.
<audio preload="auto" autoplay class="bgmusic">
  <source src="css/images-gimme-code-2013-0016/bgmusic.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
  <source src="css/images-gimme-code-2013-0016/bgmusic.ogg" type="audio/ogg">

<div id="copyright">JQuery Fighting Game Programming Tutorial - Author: Andrea Tonin © 2013 All rights reserved - www.lucedigitale.com
Luce Digitale, is registered trademark in the Italy and/or other Countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders.
Optimized for Full HD Resolution Displays: 1920x1080px

<!--  Background container END -->


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