3d-io Unwrella – Optimal Automatic Unwrapping

Unwrella for 3DS Max is a single click solution which allows you to automatically unfold your 3D models with exact pixel to model surface aspect ratio, speeding up texture baking UV map production significantly.

Unwrap UVW modifier

1. Select your Mesh

2. RIGHT COLUMN> Modifier List> Unwrap UVW

3. Unwrap UVW>
– Edge
– Peel> Seams -> ‘Point-To-Point Seams’ icon

You will draw now the seams lines. Just click at one vertex and then follow the edge flow and select the next one.

Surrond the body parts with BLUE SEAM LINES.
The BLUE LINES are only a representations of the seams. They did not create physical UV Edges

4. You need to convert the BLUE EDGES to GREEN UV Seams:
Unwrap UVW> Peel> ‘Quick Peel’ icon, the BLUE converts to GREEN

See Also ufficial UVW Unwrap lesson at:

Unwrella modifier

1. RIGHT COLUMN> Modifier List> Unwrella

2. Unwrella>
– Parameters> Gutter Padding: 4 pixels
– Preserve Seams: check
– Unwrap as: Polygons
– ‘Unwrap’ button


The final UV map is being displayed on your screen
You will notice new BLUE LINES on the mesh. Thin indicates that Unwrella was not able to unfold this part of the geometry without stretching it too much, so Unwrella automatically decided where to split the UV Map in order to get the best result.

If you are not satisfied you can try an alternate map calculation checking ‘High Quality’