3DS Max – Animation – Controller – Reaction

The Reaction controller is a procedural controller that lets a parameter react to changes in any other parameter in 3ds Max. You need of a master object (driver) and a slave object (driven).


Example: the rotation of a box resizes a sphere

1. Create a Box (it will be the master)

2. Create a Sphere (it will be the slave)

3. MAIN TOP MENU> Animation> Reaction Manager

4. Reaction Manager> click over the small icon ‘+’ (Add Master), pick the Box in the viewport> Select ‘X Rotation’

5. Reaction Manager> select the Master> click over the small icon ‘+’ (Add Slave), pick the Sphere in the viewport> Select ‘Scale’

6. This Create State001

7. Activate ‘Create Mode Button’

8. Rotate the Box and Scale the Sphere> click over small icon ‘Create State’

9. This Create State002

10. Deactivate ‘Create Mode Button’ and close ‘Reaction Manager’


MAIN TOP MENU> Animation> Reaction Manager> select a Reaction> click over the small icon ‘Delete Selected’