3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Hair and Fur – Basics


1. Select an Object
2. Right Column> Modify> Modifier List> WORLD-SPACE MODIFIERS> Hair and Fur (WSM)
3. Right Column> Modify> Hair and Fur (WSM)> General Parameters> Hair Count (Number of total hair in final render)
4. Right Column> Modify> Hair and Fur (WSM)> Display> Display Hairs> Percentage (Number hair in the Viewport)
5. Right Column> Modify> Hair and Fur (WSM)> Display> Material Parameters> Tip Color – Root Color


1. Right Column> Modify> Hair and Fur (WSM)> Frizz Parameters> (capelli crespi)
2. Right Column> Modify> Hair and Fur (WSM)> Kink Parameters> (capelli spettinati)
3. Right Column> Modify> Hair and Fur (WSM)> Styling> ‘Style Hair’ button> Hair Brush – Hair Cut..


1. Right Column> Modify> Hair and Fur (WSM)> Dynamics> None – Live – Precomputed


Main Top Menu> Rendering> Effects> Environment> Effects> ‘Add’ button> Hair and Fur

Main Top Menu> Rendering> Render Elements> ‘Add’ button> Hair and Fur
The Hair And Fur render element produces an additional image that depicts only the elements in the scene generated by the Hair And Fur modifier. This image can be used for compositing.


1. Create a Light, select it, Right Column> Modify> Hair Light Attribute> check ‘Light Hair’

MENTAL RAY RENDER with shadows

1. Main Top Menu> Rendering> Effects> Environment> Effects> ‘Add’ button> Hair and Fur
2. Create a Light, select it, Right Column> Modify> Hair Light Attribute> check ‘Light Hair’
3. 1. Main Top Menu> Rendering> Effects> Environment> Effects> Hair and Fur> Hair and Fur> Hair Rendering Options> Hairs> mrprim (mental ray). It supports Shadow Map and Ray Trace Shadow.