3DS Max – Animation – Controller – Noise

3DS Max – Animation – Controller – Noise

The Noise controller produces random, fractal-based animation over a range of frames. Noise controllers are parametric: they work on a range of frames, but do not use keys.


1. Select an Object
2. RIGHT COLUMN> Motion> ‘Parameters’> Assign Controller> select in the stack ‘Scale’> click the small icon over the stack list ‘Assign Controller’> choose ‘Noise Scale’


You can not remove all controllers, I mean, all the elements in the ‘Assign Controller’ rollout need one controller.
The default controllers are:

– Position: Position XYZ
– Rotation: Euler XYZ
– Scale: Bezier Scale


MAIN TOOLBAR> Curve Editor> Modes> Curve Editor:

– Controller> Assign
– From the stack> RMB> Assign Controller / Limit Controller

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3DS Max – Animation – Controller – Limit

3DS Max – Animation – Controller – Limit

The Limit controller lets you specify upper and lower limits to available controller values, thus restricting the potential value range of the controlled track. For example, in a character rig you could use this to restrict rotation on finger joints so the fingers can’t bend backward. Basically, once a track is limited, and the limit is active, you can’t set a value for the track beyond the limit.


1. Select an Object
2. RIGHT COLUMN> Motion> ‘Parameters’> Assign Controller> select in the stack Rotation> ‘XRotation’> click the small icon over the stack list ‘Assign Controller’> choose ‘Float Limit’
3. Setup Upper Limit: 90, Lower Limit 0, close the Window
4. In the viewport Xrotation will be limited from 0 to 90 degree
5. Modify the setup: RIGHT COLUMN> Motion> ‘Parameters’> Assign Controller> select in the stack Rotation> RMB over ‘XRotation’> change parameters


MAIN TOOLBAR> Curve Editor> Modes> Curve Editor> from the stack> RMB> Limit Controller> Remove Limit


MAIN TOOLBAR> Curve Editor> Modes> Curve Editor:

– Controller> Assign
– From the stack> RMB> Assign Controller / Limit Controller

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3DS Max – Animation – Controller – Audio

3DS Max – Animation – Controller – Audio

Use the Audio controller to drive the animation of almost any parameter in 3ds Max. The Audio controller converts the amplitude of a recorded sound file or real-time sound wave into values that can animate an object or parameter.


1. Select an Object
2. RIGHT COLUMN> Motion> ‘Parameters’> Assign Controller> select in the stack ‘Scale’> click the small icon over the stack list ‘Assign Controller’> choose ‘Audio Scale’
3. Audio Controller window> Choose Sound> load a .waw file, setup Base Scale Z= 10, setup target Scale=100
The controller is assigned but you can not hear the .wav file
4. BOTTOM RIGHT> ‘Time Configuration’> ‘Play Back’> check ‘Real Time’
5. BOTTOM LEFT> ‘Open Mini Curve Editor’> double LMB> Add the .wav file
Now you can hear the .wav file


You can not remove all controllers, I mean, all the elements in the ‘Assign Controller’ rollout need one controller.
The default controllers are:

– Position: Position XYZ
– Rotation: Euler XYZ
– Scale: Bezier Scale


MAIN TOOLBAR> Curve Editor> Modes> Curve Editor:

– Controller> Assign
– From the stack> RMB> Assign Controller / Limit Controller

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3DS MAX – Helpers

3DS MAX – Helpers


RIGHT COLUMN> Create> Helpers


Standard Helpers

– Dummy: a null object
– Point: a null object

– Grid

– Tape: to measure lenght (metro estensibile)
– Protractor: to measure angles (goniometro)

– Container

– Compass: a compass rose (rosa dei venti)

– Crowd

– Delegate

– ExposeTim

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3DS Max – Animation – Custom Controllers

3DS Max – Animation – Custom Controllers

How to create custom controller in 3DS Max:

1. Create a Dummy Object: RIGHT COLUMN> Create> Helpers> Standard> Dummy
2. Create a Sphere Object: RIGHT COLUMN> Create> Geometry> Standard Primitives> Sphere

3. Select Dummy, MAIN TOP MENU> Animation>Parameter Editor> Attribute> setup parameters> ‘Add’ button
4. MAIN TOP MENU> Animation>Parameter Editor> Attribute> ‘Edit/Delete’ button to change values

5. Select Dummy, MAIN TOP MENU> Animation> Wire Parameters…> Wire Parameters…> Object Dummy> Custom Attributes, then select an attribute> in the viewport a rubber band appears> click over the Sphere and select a parameter to connect> Parameter Wire Dialogs opens> click ‘<-->‘ (two way connection)> click ‘Connect’ button.

6. To Modify the setup: MAIN TOP MENU> Animation> Wire Parameters…> Parameter Wire Dialog

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