3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Animation – Constraints – Orientation

3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Animation – Constraints – Orientation

An Orientation constraint causes an object’s orientation to follow the orientation of a target object or averaged orientation of several target objects.

It can drive:

– rotation


1. Create a Sphere
2. Create a Box
3. Select the Sphere> MAIN TOP MENU> Animation> Constraints> Orientation Constraint
4. You will see in the viewport a rubber band> click over the Box, rotate the Box and the Sphere will follow the Box rotation
5. RIGHT COLUMN> Motion> Orientation Constraint> edit the parameters

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3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Animation – Constraints – LookAt

3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Animation – Constraints – LookAt

The LookAt constraint controls an object’s orientation so that it’s always looking at another object or objects. It locks an object’s rotation so that one of its axes points toward the target object, or the weighted average of target positions. The LookAt axis points toward the target, while the Upnode axis defines which axis points upward. If the two coincide, a flipping behavior can result. This is similar to pointing a target camera straight up.

It can drive:

– rotation


1. Create a Sphere
2. Create a Box
3. Select the Sphere> MAIN TOP MENU> Animation> Constraints> LinkAt Constraint
4. You will see in the viewport a rubber band> click over the Box, in the animation the Sphere look at the Box
5. RIGHT COLUMN> Motion> LookAt Constraint> edit the parameters

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3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Animation – Constraints – Link

3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Animation – Constraints – Link

The Link constraint causes an object to inherit the position, rotation, and scale of its target object. In effect, it allows you to animate a hierarchical relationship, so that the motion of an object to which the Link constraint is applied can be controlled by different objects in the scene throughout an animation.

It can drive:

– position
– rotation
– scale


1. Create Box1, animate from left to right
2. Create Box2, animate from right to left
3. Create Sphere
4. Select the Sphere> MAIN TOP MENU> Animation> Constraints> Link
5. You will see in the viewport a rubber band> click over the Box1, in the animation the Sphere will follow Box1
6. Move the time over frame 50
7. Select the Sphere> RIGHT COLUMN> Motion> Link Params> ‘Add Link’ button> pick in the viewport Box 002, in the animation the Sphere will follow Box2 after frame 50

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3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Animation – Constraints – Path

3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Animation – Constraints – Path

Use the Path constraint to restrict an object’s movement along a spline or at an averaged distance among multiple splines.

It can drive:

– position


1. Create a Sphere
2. Create a Spline
3. Select the Sphere> MAIN TOP MENU> Animation> Constraints> Path Constraint
4. You will see in the viewport a rubber band> click over the Spline> the Sphere now can move only along a spline
5. RIGHT COLUMN> Motion> Path Constraint> edit the parameters

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3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Animation – Constraints – Position

3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Animation – Constraints – Position

Use the Position constraint to cause an object to follow the position of a target object or the weighted average position of several objects.

It can drive:

– Position


1. Create a Sphere
2. Create a Box
3. Select the Sphere> MAIN TOP MENU> Animation> Constraints> Position Constraint
4. You will see in the viewport a rubber band> click over the Box> the position of the Sphere will follow the position of Box
5. RIGHT COLUMN> Motion> Position Constraint> edit the parameters

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