3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Modifiers – Animation – Flex

3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Modifiers – Animation – Flex

The Flex modifier simulates soft-body dynamics using virtual springs between an object’s vertices. You can set the springs’ stiffness, or how actively they keep vertices from coming close to each other, as well as stretch, or how far apart they can move. At its simplest, this system causes vertices to lag behind an object as it moves. At a more advanced level, you can also control the sway, or how much the spring angle can change.

With this modifier you can:

– animate a geometry

You can simulate:

– jelly
– pudding
– boobs :)


1. Create an object, create some keyframefram from left to right
2. Select the object, RIGHT COLUMN> Modify> Modifier List> OBJECT-SPACE MODIFIERS> Flex
3. RIGHT COLUMN> Modify> Flex> in the stack ‘Weights & Springs’> in the roolout ‘Weights and Painting’> ‘Paint’ button
4. Paint vertex in the viewport
5. Play the animation in real time


RIGHT COLUMN> Modify> LMB over the modifier (blu highlight)> RMB over the modifier> Delete


1. Create a sphere, create up and down keyframeframes
2. Select the sphere, RIGHT COLUMN> Modify> Modifier List> OBJECT-SPACE MODIFIERS> Flex
3. RIGHT COLUMN> Modify> Flex> in the stack ‘Weights & Springs’> in the roolout ‘Weights and Painting’> ‘Paint’ button
4. Setup Strenght: 1 (orange vertex) and paint where boob join the body, this vertex will have minimum jelly effect
5. Setup Strenght: -1 (blue vertex) and paint near nipple, this vertex will have maximum jelly effect

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3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Modifiers – Mesh Editing – STL Check

3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Modifiers – Mesh Editing – STL Check

The STL Check modifier checks an object to see if it’s correct for exporting to an STL (stereolithography) file format. Stereolithography files are used by specialized machines to produce prototype physical models based on the data in the STL file.
To create a physical model, an STL file must have a complete and closed surface. Using STL Check to test your geometry before you export it can save time and money when the file is used to create the physical model.

With this modifier you can:

– model a geometry


1. Create an object
2. Select the object, RIGHT COLUMN> Modify> Modifier List> OBJECT-SPACE MODIFIERS> STL Check
3. RIGHT COLUMN> Modify> STL Check> setup parameters
4. TOP LEFT BUTTON> Export> Export> StereoLitho (*.STL)

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3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Modifiers – Mesh Editing – Vertex Paint

3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Modifiers – Mesh Editing – Vertex Paint

The VertexPaint modifier lets you paint vertex colors onto an object. You’re not restricted to only vertex-level painting. Using sub-object selection, you can also control which vertices get painted, face-by-face. All faces sharing a vertex have the adjacent corner shaded as well. The resulting painted object receives a coarse gradient across each face.

With this modifier you can:

– model a geometry


1. Create an object
2. Select the object, RIGHT COLUMN> Modify> Modifier List> OBJECT-SPACE MODIFIERS> Vertex Paint
3. RIGHT COLUMN> Modify> Vertex Paint> on VertexPaint Paintbox window check ‘Vertex Color Display’> paint over the geometry in the viewport


RIGHT COLUMN> Modify> LMB over the modifier (blu highlight)> RMB over the modifier> Delete

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3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Modifiers – Mesh Editing – Symmetry

3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Modifiers – Mesh Editing – Symmetry

Create symmetry, automatic ‘Weld Seam

With this modifier you can:

– model a geometry


1. Create an object
2. Select the object, RIGHT COLUMN> Modify> Modifier List> OBJECT-SPACE MODIFIERS> Symmetry
3. RIGHT COLUMN> Modify> Symmetry> Mirror> move the mirror plane
4. RIGHT COLUMN> Modify> Symmetry> setup parameters


RIGHT COLUMN> Modify> LMB over the modifier (blu highlight)> RMB over the modifier> Delete

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3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Modifiers – Mesh Editing – Tassellate

3DS MAX – Micro Reference Manual – Modifiers – Mesh Editing – Tassellate

The Tessellate modifier subdivides faces in the current selection. It’s particularly useful for smoothing curved surfaces for rendering, and creating additional mesh resolution for other modifiers to act on.

With this modifier you can:

– model a geometry


1. Create an object
2. Select the object, RIGHT COLUMN> Modify> Modifier List> OBJECT-SPACE MODIFIERS> Tassellate
3. RIGHT COLUMN> Modify> Tassellate> setup parameters


RIGHT COLUMN> Modify> LMB over the modifier (blu highlight)> RMB over the modifier> Delete

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