Video Games Development

Unity – Materials – Glass Refraction

Unity – Materials – Glass Refraction

MAIN TOP MENU> Assets> Import Package> Glass Refraction

Project> Standard Assets> Glass Refraction> FX-Refractive (sphere icon) DRAG AND DROP over a GameObject

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Unity – Materials – DX11 Tasselation Shaders

Unity – Materials – DX11 Tasselation Shaders

MAIN TOP MENU> Assets> Import Package> DX11 Tesselation Shaders

Project> Standard Assets> Tesselation Shaders> _Example> _TesselationScene

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Unity 3D – Materials

Unity 3D – Materials


1. Project window> Assets> Materials> TOP LEFT of Ptoject window> Create> Material
2. Give it a name ‘my_material’
3. Inspector> click over TOP LEFT preview to expand
4. Assets> Textures> DRAG E DROP a texture over empty Texture slot of ‘my_material’
5. Notice the Inspector> Preview> DRAG the material preview to rotate it


6. Project> Assets> Materials> DRAG AND DROP a material over Hierarchy> GameObject
7. Select the GameObject> Inspector> Mesh Renderer> Materials> my_material have been assigned

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Unity3D – Lights Flares

Unity3D – Lights Flares

Assign Light Flare to a light

Lens Flares simulate the effect of lights refracting inside camera lens

0. MAIN TOP MENU> GameObject> Create Other> Pointlight

1. MAIN TOP MENU> Assets> Import Package> Light Flares

2. Project> Standard Assets> Light Flares> 50mm Zoom DRAG AND DROP over Pointlight> Hierarchy> Light> Flare

Assign Light Flare to a Empty Object

1. MAIN TOP MENU> GameObject> Create Empty (GameObject)

2. Hierarchy> GameObject> ‘Add Component’> Effects> Lens Flare

2. Project> Standard Assets> Light Flares> 50mm Zoom DRAG AND DROP over GameObject> Hierarchy> Lens Flare

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Unity3D – Lights Cookies

Unity3D – Lights Cookies

Assign Light Cookie

Light Cookies are grayscale textures you use to control the precise look of in-game lighting.

0. MAIN TOP MENU> GameObject> Create Other> Spotlight, project the light over a plane

1. MAIN TOP MENU> Assets> Import Package> Light Cookies

2. Project> Standard Assets> Light Cookies> FlashLight DRAG AND DROP over Spotlight> Hierarchy> Light> Cookie

Create Light Cookie

To create a light cookie for a spot light:

Paint a cookie texture in Photoshop. The image should be greyscale. White pixels means full lighting intensity, black pixels mean no lighting. The borders of the texture need to be completely black, otherwise the light will appear to leak outside of the spotlight.
In the Texture Inspector change the Texture Type to Cookie
Enable Alpha From Grayscale (this way you can make a grayscale cookie and Unity converts it to an alpha map automatically)

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