JavaScript – Calendar – Date Picker
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> span.label {color:black;width:30;height:16;text-align:center;margin-top:0;background:#ffF;font:bold 13px Arial} span.c1 {cursor:hand;color:black;width:30;height:16;text-align:center;margin-top:0;background:#ffF;font:bold 13px Arial} span.c2 {cursor:hand;color:red;width:30;height:16;text-align:center;margin-top:0;background:#ffF;font:bold 13px Arial} span.c3 {cursor:hand;color:#b0b0b0;width:30;height:16;text-align:center;margin-top:0;background:#ffF;font:bold 12px Arial} </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function maxDays(mm, yyyy){ var mDay; if((mm == 3) || (mm == 5) || (mm == 8) || (mm == 10)){ mDay = 30; } else{ mDay = 31 if(mm == 1){ if (yyyy/4 - parseInt(yyyy/4) != 0){ mDay = 28 } else{ mDay = 29 } } } return mDay; } function changeBg(id){ if (eval(id).style.backgroundColor != "yellow"){ eval(id).style.backgroundColor = "yellow" } else{ eval(id).style.backgroundColor = "#ffffff" } } function writeCalendar(){ var now = new Date var dd = now.getDate() var mm = now.getMonth() var dow = now.getDay() var yyyy = now.getFullYear() var arrM = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December") var arrY = new Array() for (ii=0;ii<=4;ii++){ arrY[ii] = yyyy - 2 + ii } var arrD = new Array("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat") var text = "" text = "<form name=calForm>" text += "<table border=1>" text += "<tr><td>" text += "<table width=100%><tr>" text += "<td align=left>" text += "<select name=selMonth onChange='changeCal()'>" for (ii=0;ii<=11;ii++){ if (ii==mm){ text += "<option value= " + ii + " Selected>" + arrM[ii] + "</option>" } else{ text += "<option value= " + ii + ">" + arrM[ii] + "</option>" } } text += "</select>" text += "</td>" text += "<td align=right>" text += "<select name=selYear onChange='changeCal()'>" for (ii=0;ii<=4;ii++){ if (ii==2){ text += "<option value= " + arrY[ii] + " Selected>" + arrY[ii] + "</option>" } else{ text += "<option value= " + arrY[ii] + ">" + arrY[ii] + "</option>" } } text += "</select>" text += "</td>" text += "</tr></table>" text += "</td></tr>" text += "<tr><td>" text += "<table border=1>" text += "<tr>" for (ii=0;ii<=6;ii++){ text += "<td align=center><span class=label>" + arrD[ii] + "</span></td>" } text += "</tr>" aa = 0 for (kk=0;kk<=5;kk++){ text += "<tr>" for (ii=0;ii<=6;ii++){ text += "<td align=center><span id=sp" + aa + " onClick='changeBg('>1</span></td>" aa += 1 } text += "</tr>" } text += "</table>" text += "</td></tr>" text += "</table>" text += "</form>" document.write(text) changeCal() } function changeCal(){ var now = new Date var dd = now.getDate() var mm = now.getMonth() var dow = now.getDay() var yyyy = now.getFullYear() var currM = parseInt(document.calForm.selMonth.value) var prevM if (currM!=0){ prevM = currM - 1 } else{ prevM = 11 } var currY = parseInt(document.calForm.selYear.value) var mmyyyy = new Date() mmyyyy.setFullYear(currY) mmyyyy.setMonth(currM) mmyyyy.setDate(1) var day1 = mmyyyy.getDay() if (day1 == 0){ day1 = 7 } var arrN = new Array(41) var aa for (ii=0;ii<day1;ii++){ arrN[ii] = maxDays((prevM),currY) - day1 + ii + 1 } aa = 1 for (ii=day1;ii<=day1+maxDays(currM,currY)-1;ii++){ arrN[ii] = aa aa += 1 } aa = 1 for (ii=day1+maxDays(currM,currY);ii<=41;ii++){ arrN[ii] = aa aa += 1 } for (ii=0;ii<=41;ii++){ eval("sp"+ii).style.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF" } var dCount = 0 for (ii=0;ii<=41;ii++){ if (((ii<7)&&(arrN[ii]>20))||((ii>27)&&(arrN[ii]<20))){ eval("sp"+ii).innerHTML = arrN[ii] eval("sp"+ii).className = "c3" } else{ eval("sp"+ii).innerHTML = arrN[ii] if ((dCount==0)||(dCount==6)){ eval("sp"+ii).className = "c2" } else{ eval("sp"+ii).className = "c1" } if ((arrN[ii]==dd)&&(mm==currM)&&(yyyy==currY)){ eval("sp"+ii).style.backgroundColor="#90EE90" } } dCount += 1 if (dCount>6){ dCount=0 } } } </script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript">writeCalendar()</script> </body> </html>
Notice the code ready to copy and paste:
<style type="text/css"> .... </style> <script> .... </script>
<script type="text/javascript">writeCalendar()</script>
Put the code above in the body of your document, where you want the calendar to show up.