unreal video games development

Unity 3D – Server Side Highscores – JS Programming

Unity 3D – Server Side Highscores – JS Programming

How to manage server side highscores with Unity3D, PHP and MySQL.

Create a Data Base

Blue Host users:

CPanel> Database Tools> MySQL databases>

– Create a Database:
name -> game_scores
rules-> Collation

– Create a User

– Assign User to Database


Blue Host users:

CPanel> phpMyAdmin> Enter with username and password

LEFT COLUMN> you will see your new empty Database.

A Database is a data structure with tables, every table has rows and columns.

TOP LABELS> SQL, here we can write the next SQL Query:

CREATE TABLE 'scores' (
   'name' VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'anonymous',

If you get an SQL Syntax error, replace TYPE=MyISAM; by ENGINE=MyISAM; as TYPE is deprecated.

If you get others syntax errors you can: phpMyAdmin> LEFT COLUMN> Crea Tabella +> Create the table

We will create:

– it is our index
– it is an integer number from 0 to 9999999999
– it is UNSIGNED, it means that can’t be negative (a SIGNED integer can hold both positive and negative numbers)
– it can’t be NULL (NULL value is different from zero, it means no value)
– it have an autoincrement of 1 unit
– it is our primary key, the primary key of a relational table uniquely identifies each record in the table.

– it is the nickname of our player
– it can be a string of 15 characters
– it can’t be NULL
– the default value will be ‘anonymous’, if the user does not type a nickname

– it is the score value
– it is an integer number from 0 to 9999999999
– it is UNSIGNED, it means that can’t be negative (a SIGNED integer can hold both positive and negative numbers)
– it can’t be NULL (NULL value is different from zero, it means no value)
– the default value is zero


Create into your server the script:

        // Create connection
        // Statement: mysqli_connect(host,username,password,dbname)
        // NOTICE: se lo script è installato nello stesso server del Data Base, host->localhost 
        $db = mysql_connect('mysql_host', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); 
        mysql_select_db('my_dbname') or die('Could not select database');
        // Strings must be escaped to prevent SQL injection attack. 
        $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['name'], $db); 
        $score = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['score'], $db);  
        // Send variables for the MySQL database class. 
        $query = "INSERT INTO scores VALUES (NULL, '$name', '$score');"; 
        $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());     

For italian people: come funziona?

1. Apro una connessione con il database fornendo i dati di accesso – ‘mysql_host’, ‘mysql_user’, ‘mysql_password’) –

2. Se la connessione è andata a buon fine non viene restituito alcun messaggio, se fallisce – die(‘Could not select database’) – viene restituito un messaggio di errore.

3. Con il comando – $_GET – ricevo i dati POST inviati dal gioco che vengono immagazzinati nelle variabili $name, $score

4. Per evitare l’hacking del database – mysql_real_escape_string() – non aggiunge le sequenze di escape a % ed a _.
In questo modo i malintenzionati non potranno operare ‘SQL injection’ inserendo codice maligno all’interno di una query SQ.

5. Inserisce nella tabella ‘scores’ i valori ‘$name’ e ‘$score’

6. Se fallisce restituisce il messaggio ‘Query failed’.


This script will take the top 5 scores from the MySQL Database, Unity3D will read the render of this script and put it into a GUIText.

    // To change the total number of row you need only change LIMIT 5
    // Example: to see the top ten set LIMIT 10
    // Connect to database
    // NOTICE: se lo script è installato nello stesso server del Data Base, mysql_host->localhost 
    $database = mysql_connect('mysql_host', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
    mysql_select_db('my_dbname') or die('Could not select database');
    // Send a query, order the records in descending 
    $query = "SELECT * FROM scores ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 5";
    // Store the result inside a variable or If fails send an error message
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
    // How many rows there are inside the result
    $num_results = mysql_num_rows($result);  
    // Loop 5 times, remember some line above that LIMIT 5
    for($i = 0; $i < $num_results; $i++)
         $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
         // Render the result in text, questo viene letto poi da Unity3D come testo e renderizzato su un GUIText
         echo $row['name'] . "\t" . $row['score'] . "\n";

Now, we are going to populate the database to test our .php scripts.
1. phpMyAdmin> SQL label> write

/* Insert New Records in a table */ 
INSERT INTO scores (name, score)
VALUES ('Maria', '1260');

2. BOTTOM RIGHT> press ‘Esegui’ button
3. Insert 10 records and try display.php

XML – crossdomain.xml

Unity3D can send a WWW Request to a server only if it have a cross domain policy.
The crossdomain.xml file is a cross-domain policy file, it grants at the game the permission to talk to server, even if the game is not hosted inside it.

Upload the next file to the root of your web server, for BlueHost user put it into www. folder


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<allow-access-from domain="*"/>

Blue Host users: inside crossdomain.xml if you have secure=”true” only requests from HTTPS will be allowed, secure=”false” mean requests from both HTTP and HTTPS are allowed.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<allow-access-from domain="*" secure="false"/>

For italian people: come funziona?
Il server deve essere settato per poter dialogare con applicazioni esterne, intese come applicazioni non installate direttamente all’interno del server stesso.
Il caso più ecclatante è quello di un gioco installato su Smartphone che deve inviare dei dati ad un server.
Anche un webgame che funziona su Unity Player è di fatto installato in locale sul PC del giocatore, nel momento in cui invia i punteggi al server viene visto dal servizio di hosting come un’applicazione esterna.

Potremo vedere alcuni esempio di sintassi per capire meglio.
Nel file sotto garantiamo il dialogo dalle richieste provenienti solo da domini specifici.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allow-access-from domain="*.mycompany.com" />
    <allow-access-from domain="*.speedtest.net" />

Unity – Display Scores – JS

Open Unity 3D and create:
– Main Camera -> name it ‘Main Camera’
– GUI Text -> name it ‘Scores-Text’
– Empty Object -> name it ‘GameController’
– JS Script -> name it ‘HSController.js’, attach it to ‘GameController’

#pragma strict

var scoreText : GUIText; // Assign into Inspector the GUI Text you have created

var urlDisplay = "http://www.lucedigitale.com/testgames/display.php";
function Start() {
    getScores(); // get and display the scores into GUIText scoreText
// Get Score START ###################################################################  
// Get the scores from the MySQL DB to display in a GUIText.
function getScores() {
    // First a loading message
    scoreText.text = "Loading Scores";
    // Start a download of the given URL
    var wwwDisplay : WWW = new WWW (urlDisplay);
    // Wait for download to complete
    yield wwwDisplay;
    // if it can't load the URL
    if(wwwDisplay.error) {
        // Write in the console: There was an error getting the high score: Could not resolve host: xxx; No data record of requested type
        print("There was an error getting the high score: " + wwwDisplay.error);
        // Display an error message
        scoreText.text = "No Data Record";
    } else {
        // This is a GUIText that will display the scores in game
        scoreText.text = wwwDisplay.text; 
// Get Score END ###################################################################  

The result will be:

Maria 2999
Giovanna 1787
Arianna 87
Antonio 24
Erica 12

Unity – Display and Write Scores – JS

Ok, now we are going to add functions to write scores

#pragma strict

var scoreText : GUIText; // Assign into Inspector the GUI Text you have created

var urlDisplay = "http://www.lucedigitale.com/testgames/display.php";
var urlAddScores = "http://www.lucedigitale.com/testgames/addscore.php";

// this vars are private because we won't put data from Inspector, public will cause a refresh error 
private var playerName : String = "Andrea"; // name of the player
private var playerScore : int = 56565656; // the players' score
function Start() {
    getScores(); // get and display the scores into GUIText scoreText
// Get Score START ###################################################################  
// Get the scores from the MySQL DB to display in a GUIText.
function getScores() {
    // First a loading message
    scoreText.text = "Loading Scores";
    // Start a download of the given URL
    var wwwDisplay : WWW = new WWW (urlDisplay);
    // Wait for download to complete
    yield wwwDisplay;
    // if it can't load the URL
    if(wwwDisplay.error) {
        // Write in the console: There was an error getting the high score: Could not resolve host: xxx; No data record of requested type
        print("There was an error getting the high score: " + wwwDisplay.error);
        // Display an error message
        scoreText.text = "No Data Record";
    } else {
        // This is a GUIText that will display the scores in game
        scoreText.text = wwwDisplay.text; 
} // END getScores()
// Get Score END ###################################################################  

// Write Score START ###############################################################

// Button to send scores START
function OnGUI () {
    if (GUI.Button (Rect (10,10,350,100), "Send player name and Scores:" + playerName + " " + playerScore)) {
        // send datas to function to POST scores
        postScore(playerName, playerScore);
} // END OnGUI
// Button to send scores END 

function postScore(name, score) {
     // Debug code to verify datas on console
     Debug.Log("Name " + name + " Score " + score);
    //This connects to a server side php script that will add the name and score to a MySQL DB.
    // Supply it with a string representing the players name and the players score.
    // Once it will generate an error message of Implicit Downcast, no problem it will work well
    var postData : String = urlAddScores + "?name=" + WWW.EscapeURL(name) + "&score=" + score;
    // Debug Code
    // It sends: http://www.lucedigitale.com/testgames/addscore.php?name=Andrea&score=123321
    // notare che il nome delle variabili in POST devono essere uguali a quelli in GET di addscore.php
    var wwwPostScore : WWW = new WWW (postData);
    // Wait until the post is done
    yield wwwPostScore; 
    // If it can't give an errore message
    if(wwwPostScore.error) {
        // Debug code
        print("There was an error posting the high score: " + wwwPostScore.error);
        // Error message for the player
        scoreText.text = "I can't record data";
}// END postScore()

// Write Score END ################################################################# 

addscore.php – update existing player

Now I can improve my .php script, updating existing players and closing db connection.

        // Create connection
        // Statement: mysqli_connect(host,username,password,dbname)
        // NOTICE: se lo script è installato nello stesso server del Data Base, host->localhost 
        $db = mysql_connect('mysql_host', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); 
        mysql_select_db('mysql_dbname') or die('Could not select database');
        // Strings must be escaped to prevent SQL injection attack. 
        $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['name'], $db); 
        $score = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['score'], $db);  
        // Check if the name already exists
		$checkname = mysql_query("SELECT 1 FROM scores WHERE name='$name' LIMIT 1");
		// if exists
		if (mysql_fetch_row($checkname)) {
		        // Update the existing name with new score
			// AGGIORNA db_name SETTA il valore di score dove name è uguale a quello ottenuto con GET
			$queryupdate = "UPDATE scores SET score=$score WHERE name='$name'"; 	
			$resultupdate = mysql_query($queryupdate) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); 		
		// if not exists
		} else {
		        // Insert a new name and a new score 
			$query = "INSERT INTO scores VALUES (NULL, '$name', '$score');"; 
			$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); 
		// Close the connection with the database
        echo "<br>Great! Connection Closed!"; 

addscore.php – update existing player – write only best score

I will write in the database only if new score is better than the older one.

        // Create connection
        // Statement: mysqli_connect(host,username,password,dbname)
        // NOTICE: se lo script è installato nello stesso server del Data Base, host->localhost 
        $db = mysql_connect('mysql_host', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); 
        mysql_select_db('mysql_dbname') or die('Could not select database');
        // Strings must be escaped to prevent SQL injection attack. 
        $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['name'], $db); 
        $score = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['score'], $db);  
		// Check if the name already exists 
		$checkname = mysql_query("SELECT 1 FROM scores WHERE name='$name' LIMIT 1");
		// ------------------------------------------------
		// if exists --------------------------------------
		if (mysql_fetch_row($checkname)) {	
		echo "Vecchio giocatore";// Debug Code
		echo "<br>";// Debug Code
	        echo "Punteggio arrivato dal gioco: ".$score;// Debug Code
		echo "<br>";// Debug Code
                // Check score from database
		$checkscore = mysql_query("SELECT score FROM scores WHERE name='$name'");
		$checkscorerow = mysql_fetch_array($checkscore);
		echo "Punteggio ottenuto dal database: ".$checkscorerow['score'];// Debug Code
				// if the new score are better than old one
				if ($score > $checkscorerow['score']){
					echo "<br>Great! New personal record";
					// Update the existing name with new score
					// AGGIORNA db_name SETTA il valore di score dove name è uguale a quello ottenuto con GET
					$queryupdate = "UPDATE scores SET score=$score WHERE name='$name'";     
					$resultupdate = mysql_query($queryupdate) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
					mysqli_close($db); // Close the connection with the database
					echo "<br>Connection Closed!"; 
					break; // stop the execution of the script
				} else {
					echo "<br>Bad! Are you tired?";
					mysqli_close($db); // Close the connection with the database
					echo "<br>Connection Closed!"; 
					break; // stop the execution of the script
		// ------------------------------------------------
		// if not exists ----------------------------------
		// ------------------------------------------------
		} else {
			    echo "Nuovo giocatore";// Debug Code
		        // Insert a new name and a new score 
				$query = "INSERT INTO scores VALUES (NULL, '$name', '$score');"; 
				$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); 
		mysqli_close($db); // Close the connection with the database
        echo "<br>Connection Closed!"; 

Ok, now we can add an MD5 encryption.

MD5 Encryption – HSController.js

#pragma strict

var scoreText : GUIText; // Assign into Inspector the GUI Text you have created

var urlDisplay = "http://www.lucedigitale.com/testgames/display.php";
var urlAddScores = "http://www.lucedigitale.com/testgames/addscore.php";

// this vars are private because we won't put data from Inspector, public will cause a refresh error 
private var playerName : String = "AndreaTonin"; // name of the player
private var playerScore : int = 800; // the players' score
private var secretKey : String = "MyKey"; // the secret key to improve encryption  

private var secretSum : String; // the sum of playerName+playerScore+secretKey
private var secretSumMd5 : String; // the MD5 sum of: playerName+playerScore+secretKey
function Start() {
    getScores(); // get and display the scores into GUIText scoreText
    // calculate MD5 Key
    secretSum = playerName + playerScore + secretKey;
    secretSumMd5 = Md5Sum(secretSum);
// Get Score START ###################################################################  
// Get the scores from the MySQL DB to display in a GUIText.
function getScores() {
    // First a loading message
    scoreText.text = "Loading Scores";
    // Start a download of the given URL
    var wwwDisplay : WWW = new WWW (urlDisplay);
    // Wait for download to complete
    yield wwwDisplay;
    // if it can't load the URL
    if(wwwDisplay.error) {
        // Write in the console: There was an error getting the high score: Could not resolve host: xxx; No data record of requested type
        print("There was an error getting the high score: " + wwwDisplay.error);
        // Display an error message
        scoreText.text = "No Data Record";
    } else {
        // This is a GUIText that will display the scores in game
        scoreText.text = wwwDisplay.text; 
} // END getScores()
// Get Score END ###################################################################  

// Write Score START ###############################################################
// Button to send scores START
function OnGUI () {
    if (GUI.Button (Rect (10,10,650,100), "SEND name score md5:" + playerName + " " + playerScore + " " + secretSumMd5)) {
        // send datas to function to POST scores
        postScore(playerName, playerScore,secretSumMd5);
} // END OnGUI
// Button to send scores END 

function postScore(name, score, md5key) {
     // Debug code to verify datas on console
     Debug.Log("Name " + name + " Score " + score + " MD5Key " + md5key);
    //This connects to a server side php script that will add the name and score to a MySQL DB.
    // Supply it with a string representing the players name and the players score.
    // Once it will generate an error message of Implicit Downcast, no problem it will work well
    var postData : String = urlAddScores + "?name=" + WWW.EscapeURL(name) + "&score=" + score + "&md5key=" + md5key;
    // Debug Code
    // It sends: http://www.lucedigitale.com/testgames/addscore.php?name=Andrea&score=123321
    // notare che il nome delle variabili in POST devono essere uguali a quelli in GET di addscore.php
    var wwwPostScore : WWW = new WWW (postData);
    // Wait until the post is done
    yield wwwPostScore; 
    // If it can't give an errore message
    if(wwwPostScore.error) {
        // Debug code
        print("There was an error posting the high score: " + wwwPostScore.error);
        // Error message for the player
        scoreText.text = "I can't record data";
}// END postScore()
// Write Score END ################################################################# 

// MD5 Encrytpt START ############################################################### 
// Server side note: the output is the same of the PHP function - md5($myString) -
static function Md5Sum(strToEncrypt: String)
	var encoding = System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
	var bytes = encoding.GetBytes(strToEncrypt);
	// encrypt bytes
	var md5 = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
	var hashBytes:byte[] = md5.ComputeHash(bytes);
	// Convert the encrypted bytes back to a string (base 16)
	var hashString = "";
	for (var i = 0; i < hashBytes.Length; i++)
		hashString += System.Convert.ToString(hashBytes[i], 16).PadLeft(2, "0"[0]);
	return hashString.PadLeft(32, "0"[0]);
}// End Md5Sum
// MD5 Encrypt END #####################################################################

MD5 Encryption – addscore.php

        // Create connection
        // Statement: mysqli_connect(host,username,password,dbname)
        // NOTICE: se lo script è installato nello stesso server del Data Base, host->localhost 
        $db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'lucedigi_testgam', '3dmaster1508%A') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); 
        mysql_select_db('lucedigi_testgames') or die('Could not select database');
        // GET post data from Unity3D
		// Strings must be escaped to prevent SQL injection attack. 
        $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['name'], $db); 
        $score = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['score'], $db);  
		$md5key = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['md5key'], $db); 
		$secretKey = "MyKey"; // It is the same Unity3D posts
		$secretSum = $name.$score.$secretKey;
        // ------------------------------------------------
		// if MD5 Key is right ----------------------------
	if (md5($secretSum) === $md5key) {
        echo "Yes! It is the right MD5, let's write on the database";
		// Check if the name already exists 
		$checkname = mysql_query("SELECT 1 FROM scores WHERE name='$name' LIMIT 1");
		// ------------------------------------------------
		// if exists --------------------------------------
		if (mysql_fetch_row($checkname)) {	
		echo "<br>Old Player";// Debug Code
		echo "<br>";// Debug Code
	    echo "Punteggio arrivato dal gioco: ".$score;// Debug Code
		echo "<br>";// Debug Code
		$checkscore = mysql_query("SELECT score FROM scores WHERE name='$name'");
		$checkscorerow = mysql_fetch_array($checkscore);
		echo "Punteggio ottenuto dal database: ".$checkscorerow['score'];// Debug Code
				// if the new score are better than old one
				if ($score > $checkscorerow['score']){
					echo "<br>Great! New personal record";
					// Update the existing name with new score
					// AGGIORNA db_name SETTA il valore di score dove name è uguale a quello ottenuto con GET
					$queryupdate = "UPDATE scores SET score=$score WHERE name='$name'";     
					$resultupdate = mysql_query($queryupdate) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
					mysqli_close($db); // Close the connection with the database
					echo "<br>Connection Closed!"; 
					break; // stop the execution of the script
				} else {
					echo "<br>Bad! Are you tired?";
					mysqli_close($db); // Close the connection with the database
					echo "<br>Connection Closed!"; 
					break; // stop the execution of the script
		// ------------------------------------------------
		// if not exists ----------------------------------
		// ------------------------------------------------
		} else {
			    echo "Nuovo giocatore";// Debug Code
		        // Insert a new name and a new score 
				$query = "INSERT INTO scores VALUES (NULL, '$name', '$score');"; 
				$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); 
		mysqli_close($db); // Close the connection with the database
        echo "<br>Connection Closed!"; 
	} else {
		// Debug Code
		echo "Bad MD5! Who are you?";
		echo "<br>Data received: ".$name." ".$score." ".$md5key;
		echo "<br>MD5 calcolato dal server: ".md5($secretSum);

My official website: http://www.lucedigitale.com
Original article: http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=Server_Side_Highscores

By |Unity3D, Video Games Development|Commenti disabilitati su Unity 3D – Server Side Highscores – JS Programming

Unreal Engine – Class Blueprint

Unreal Engine – Class Blueprint

A Class Blueprint is a Blueprint that can be reused many times in your world.
If you will have more than one or two instances (e.g., a TV set that can be shot or turned on/off), then it probably makes sense to create a Class Blueprint. Inside a Class Blueprint you can store Meshes, Lights and connects their behaviours with visual Scripts.

Create a Class Blueprint

1. Content Browser> click un ‘New’> Blueprint> Choose a Parent Class example: Actor

When your Blueprint is first created, or when you make changes to it in the Blueprint Editor, an asterisk will be added to the Blueprint’s icon in the Content Browser. This indicates that the Blueprint is not saved.

2. Content Browser> ‘Save’ button -> TO SAVE YOUR ASSET

3. Editor> MAIN TOP MENU> File> Save, to save the corrent level -> TO SAVE YOUR LEVEL (level.umap)


1. MAIN TOP TOOL BAR> Blueprints> New Class Blueprint> Choose a Parent Class example: Actor> Give it a name and a folder (usually Blueprints/yourBlueprint)

When your Blueprint is first created, or when you make changes to it in the Blueprint Editor, an asterisk will be added to the Blueprint’s icon in the Content Browser. This indicates that the Blueprint is not saved.

2. Blueprint window> ‘Save’ -> TO SAVE YOUR ASSET

3. Editor> MAIN TOP MENU> File> Save, to save the corrent level -> TO SAVE YOUR LEVEL (level.umap)

Search a Class Blueprint

The best way it is put all your Blueprints inside a Blueprints folder (Content Browser/Game/Blueprints).
To find a Blueprint inside another location go to Content Browser> Game (the top folder)> ON THE RIGHT: Filters and/or Search

Edit a Class Blueprint

1. Content Browser> double click over yourBlueprint, the Class Blueprint Editor will appear.

Defaults mode
Setup of default parameters:
– Rendering
– Replication
– Input
– Actor
– Tags

Components mode
Use the roolout menu ‘Add Components’ to add components as:
– Audio
– Skeletal Mesh
– Static Mesh

– Paper Flipbook
– Paper Sprite
– Paper Tile Map Render



DRAG AND DROP assets from Content Browser to Components List

Navigate inside the View using Autodesk Maya-style controls:
– LMB to move foward/backward
– ALT + LMB to move up/dowm/left/right
– PRESS MOUSE WHELL to move up/down
– ROTATE MOUSE WHELL to dolly in/out

– RMB to look around
– RMB + WASD to move

– F to frame an object
– Select a Component + ALT + LMB to tumble around selected object
– Select a Component + ALT + RMB to dolly in/out selected object

Component List> RMB> Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Rename, Add Event (OnComponentHit, OnComponentBeginOverlap etc…)

Graph mode
Here we create all nodes and connects between blocks.

Navigate the window with:
– RMB to drag the view
– ROTATE MOUSE WHELL to zoom in/out
– LMB single click to select single block
– LMB single click + SHIFT to add block to selection
– LMB + DRAG to select multiple blocks

Put your Blueprint assets in scene

Content Browser> DRAG AND DROP items into Editor Viewport

NOTICE: you are not be able to adjust Components of Blueprint inside Editor Viewport, but only inside Class Blueprint Editor

Compile a Class Blueprint

1. Change something in your Blueprint

2. Class Blueprint Editor> TOP LEFT> ‘Compile’ button -> the Editor Window will be updated.

By |Unreal Engine, Video Games Development|Commenti disabilitati su Unreal Engine – Class Blueprint

Unreal Game Engine – Blueprints – Mesh Rotator

Unreal Game Engine – Blueprints – Mesh Rotator

1. LEFT COLUMN> Content Browser> RMB over a Mesh (example Floor_400x400)> Create Blueprint Using…> select your ‘Blueprints’ folder> give it the name (example Floor_400x400_Blueprint)

2. Blueprint window> TOP RIGHT> Components> WHELL MOUSE BUTTON to zoom in/out

3. Blueprint window> TOP RIGHT> Graph> you can see component on the RIGHT COLUMN: – StaticMesh1

4. Blueprint window> TOP RIGHT> Graph> RMB over an Empty Area> Add Timeline

5. DOUBLE CLICK Timeline box> Timeline window> Add Vector Track

6. Vector Track> TOP LEFT> name the track ‘Rotator’

7. Vector Track> TOP> Length> 1 second

8. Vector Track> RMB over empty area> Add Key: 0 sec->1 / 1 sec->360

9. Float Track> TOP> check Autoplay and Loop

10. Event Graph> RIGHT COLUMN> DRAG AND DROP StaticMesh1 over an empty area> Get (to add StaticMesh1 block)

11. Event Graph> DRAG from StaticMesh1 to an empty area> Set Relative Rotation (to add Relative Rotation block)

12. Event Graph> DRAG from Timeline>Update to Set Relative Rotation>exec

13. Event Graph> DRAG from Timeline>Rotator to an empty area (to add Break Vector)

14. Event Graph> DRAG from Set Relative Rotation>New Rotation to an empty area (to add Make Rot block)

15. Event Graph> Create other connections as in the image below

16. Unreal Editor> Content Browser> Blueprint folder> ‘Floor_400x400_Blueprint’ DRAG AND DROP into scene

17. Play


For italian people: come funziona?

1. Timeline invia i valori di Rotator ad ogni fotogramma alla funzione Set Relative Rotation
2. Set Relative Rotation invia i dati di rotazione a Static Mesh 1

NOTA BENE: la traccia Rotator deve essere prima separata con Break Vector, poi assegnata con Make Rot a New Rotation

By |Unreal Engine, Video Games Development|Commenti disabilitati su Unreal Game Engine – Blueprints – Mesh Rotator

Unreal Game Engine – Blueprints – Pulsing Mesh

Unreal Game Engine – Blueprints – Pulsing Mesh

1. LEFT COLUMN> Content Browser> RMB over a Mesh (example Floor_400x400)> Create Blueprint Using…> select your ‘Blueprints’ folder> give it the name (example Floor_400x400_Blueprint)

2. Blueprint window> TOP RIGHT> Components> WHELL MOUSE BUTTON to zoom in/out

4. Blueprint window> TOP RIGHT> Graph> you can see component on the RIGHT COLUMN: – StaticMesh1

5. Blueprint window> TOP RIGHT> Graph> RMB over an Empty Area> Add Timeline

6. DOUBLE CLICK Timeline box> Timeline window> Add Float Track

7. Float Track> TOP LEFT> name the track ‘Pulsing’

8. Float Track> TOP> Length> 1 second

9. Float Track> RMB over empty area> Add Key: 0 sec->1 / 0.5 sec->0.5 / 1->1

10. Float Track> TOP> check Autoplay and Loop

11. Event Graph> RIGHT COLUMN> DRAG AND DROP StaticMesh1 over an empty area> Get (to add StaticMesh1 block)

12. Event Graph> DRAG from StaticMesh1 to an empty area> Set Relative Scale 3D (to add Relative Scale 3D block)

13. Event Graph> DRAG from Timeline>Update to Set Relative Scale 3D>exec

14. Event Graph> DRAG from Timeline>Pulsing to Set Relative Scale 3D>New Scale

14. Unreal Editor> Content Browser> Blueprint folder> ‘Floor_400x400_Blueprint’ DRAG AND DROP into scene

15. Play


For italian people: come funziona?

1. Timeline>Update —> Set Relative Scale 3D: esegue un update continuo di Set Relative Scale 3D ad ogni fotogramma

2. Timeline>Pulsing —> New Scale: fornisce il valore variabile nel tempo

3. Set Relative Scale 3D>Target —> Static Mesh 1: setta la scala di Static Mesh 1

By |Unreal Engine, Video Games Development|Commenti disabilitati su Unreal Game Engine – Blueprints – Pulsing Mesh

Unreal Game Engine – Blueprints – Flashing Light

Unreal Game Engine – Blueprints – Flashing Light

1. LEFT COLUMN> Content Browser> RMB over a Mesh (example Floor_400x400)> Create Blueprint Using…> select your ‘Blueprints’ folder> give it the name (example Floor_400x400_Blueprint)

2. Blueprint window> TOP RIGHT> Components> WHELL MOUSE BUTTON to zoom in/out

3. Blueprint window> MAIN TOP MENU> Window> Components> Add Component> Point Light> move the Point Light over the Mesh

4. Blueprint window> TOP RIGHT> Graph> you can see component on the RIGHT COLUMN: – PointLight1 – StaticMesh1

5. Blueprint window> TOP RIGHT> Graph> RMB over an Empty Area> Add Timeline

6. DOUBLE CLICK Timeline box> Timeline window> Add Float Track

7. Float Track> TOP LEFT> name the track ‘Brightness’

8. Float Track> TOP> Length> 1 second

9. Float Track> RMB over empty area> Add Key: 0 sec->0 / 0.5 sec->5.000 / 1->0

10. Float Track> TOP> check Autoplay and Loop

11. Event Graph> RIGHT COLUMN> DRAG AND DROP PointLight1 over an empty area> Get (to add Point Light block)

12. Event Graph> DRAG from Point Light to an empty area> Set Brightness (to add Set Brightness block)

13. Event Graph> DRAG from Timeline>Update to set Brightness>exec

14. Unreal Editor> Content Browser> Blueprint folder> ‘Floor_400x400_Blueprint’ DRAG AND DROP into scene

15. Play


For italian people: come funziona?

1. Timeline>Update —> Set Brighness: esegue un update continuo di Set Brightness ad ogni fotogramma

2. Timeline>Brightness —> New Brighness: fornisce il valore variabile nel tempo Brightness

3. SetBrightness>Target —> Point Light 1: setta la luminosità di Point Light 1

By |Unreal Engine, Video Games Development|Commenti disabilitati su Unreal Game Engine – Blueprints – Flashing Light