Unity 3D Game Engine – Android – Multi Touch – Basics
With this JavaScript code you can check multi touch over an Android device.
1. Create a GUI Text
2. Main Camera, attach the script ‘MultiTouchDetector.js’
#pragma strict // Rileva il numero di tocchi che avviene contemporaneamente sul dispositivo var TouchesCounter : GUIText; // to display position of finger, Hierarchy DRAG E DROP over var GUI Text in Inspector function Update () { // If there are 1 touches on the device... if (Input.touchCount == 1) { TouchesCounter.text = "Touches: 1"; } // If there are 2 touches on the device... if (Input.touchCount == 2) { TouchesCounter.text = "Touches: 2"; } // If there are 3 touches on the device... if (Input.touchCount == 3) { TouchesCounter.text = "Touches: 3"; } // If there are 4 touches on the device... if (Input.touchCount == 4) { TouchesCounter.text = "Touches: 4"; } // If there are 5 touches on the device... if (Input.touchCount == 5) { TouchesCounter.text = "Touches: 5"; } }
Hierarchy> Main Camera> Inspector> MultiTouchDetector.js> DRAG GUI Text over public var TouchesCounter
In this example you can check if over the display you will have 1,2,3,4 or 5 fingers.