Unity 3D Game Engine – Long Touch – Counter Increase

The counter will increase if you tap or long touch the device

1. Inside the Hierarchy create the structure:

– Main Camera
– GUI Text
– GameController (Empty Object), attach the ‘TouchController.js’


#pragma strict

// Hierarchy DRAG E DROP over var GUI Text in Inspector
var scoreText : GUIText;
// touch counter, private because the users is not be able to change this value
private  var score : int;

function Start () {
        // The counter initial value is 0
        score = 0;
        scoreText.text = "No Touch:";

function Update() {
    if (Input.touchCount == 1) {
        // var score will increase if you tap or long touch the device
        UpdateScore ();

function UpdateScore () {
    // score var increment of +1
    score += 1;
    // scoreText in assigned inside Inspector on GUI Text
    // change .text property and write it on the display 
    scoreText.text = "Touched: "  + score;

Hierarchy> GameController> TouchController.js assign over var Score Text the GUI Text Object