Unity – Audio EFX – OnClick – GetKey
1. Put a Sphere in the Scene
2. MAIN TOP MENU> Assets> Import New Assets> load a file.mp3
3. Projects> Assets> DRAG AND DROP file.mp3 over the Sphere
NOTICE: you have to put the mp3 in the scene or it does not play! WE NEED ABSOLUTELY AN AUDIO SOURCE!
4. Create a script audioplay.js> DRAG AND DROP audioplay.js over the Sphere
NOTICE: assign the js at the same object that has the mp3 file
5. The Script:
#pragma strict function Start () { } var audioplay : AudioClip; function OnMouseDown () { // When you click over the object audio.PlayOneShot(audioplay, 0.7); } function Update () { }
6. Select the Sphere> Inspector> Audio Source> Uncheck ‘Play On Awake’ or it plays at first frame when the game stars.
7. Select the Sphere> Inspector> audioplay.js> Audioplay> click small circle icon and assign the file.mp3
Change the script to GetKey and start audioplay:
#pragma strict function Start () { } var audioplay : AudioClip; function Update () { // You have to use - GetKeyDown - because return TRUE only in the first frame. // If you use - GetKey - return multiple TRUE throught frames and audio restarts every frame! if (Input.GetKeyDown("up")) audio.PlayOneShot(audioplay, 0.7); }