Unity Game Engine – Stealth Game – Player Health – JS Script

Select the player object and assign:


#pragma strict

public var health : float = 100f;                           // How much health the player has left.
public var resetAfterDeathTime : float = 5f;                // How much time from the player dying to the level reseting.
public var deathClip : AudioClip;                           // The sound effect of the player dying.

private var anim : Animator;                                // Reference to the animator component.
private var playerMovement : PlayerMovement;                // Reference to the player movement script.
private var hash : HashIDs;                                 // Reference to the HashIDs.
private var sceneFadeInOut : SceneFadeInOut;                // Reference to the SceneFadeInOut script.
private var lastPlayerSighting : LastPlayerSighting;        // Reference to the LastPlayerSighting script.
private var timer : float;                                  // A timer for counting to the reset of the level once the player is dead.
private var playerDead : boolean;                           // A bool to show if the player is dead or not.

function Awake ()
    // Setting up the references.
    anim = GetComponent(Animator);
    playerMovement = GetComponent(PlayerMovement);
    hash = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.gameController).GetComponent(HashIDs);
    sceneFadeInOut = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.fader).GetComponent(SceneFadeInOut);
    lastPlayerSighting = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.gameController).GetComponent(LastPlayerSighting);

function Update ()
    // If health is less than or equal to 0...
    if(health <= 0f)
        // ... and if the player is not yet dead...
            // ... call the PlayerDying function.
            // Otherwise, if the player is dead, call the PlayerDead and LevelReset functions.

function PlayerDying ()
    // The player is now dead.
    playerDead = true;
    // Set the animator's dead parameter to true also.
    anim.SetBool(hash.deadBool, playerDead);
    // Play the dying sound effect at the player's location.
    AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(deathClip, transform.position);

function PlayerDead ()
    // If the player is in the dying state then reset the dead parameter.
    if(anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).nameHash == hash.dyingState)
        anim.SetBool(hash.deadBool, false);
    // Disable the movement.
    anim.SetFloat(hash.speedFloat, 0f);
    playerMovement.enabled = false;
    // Reset the player sighting to turn off the alarms.
    lastPlayerSighting.position = lastPlayerSighting.resetPosition;
    // Stop the footsteps playing.

function LevelReset ()
    // Increment the timer.
    timer += Time.deltaTime;
    //If the timer is greater than or equal to the time before the level resets...
    if(timer >= resetAfterDeathTime)
        // ... reset the level.

public function TakeDamage (amount : float)
    // Decrement the player's health by amount.
    health -= amount;