UNITY – JS Script – OnCollision – Destroy
1. Create a Sphere that falls and bource over a Cube (You have to use Physics 3D engine)
CASE 1: OnCollision -> Sphere will be destroyed
Attach to the Cube the script:
NOTICE: if you attach the script to the Sphere, it will not work! Because Sphere can not self collide!
#pragma strict function OnCollisionEnter (col : Collision) { if(col.gameObject.name == "Sphere") { Destroy(col.gameObject); } }
Statement: gameObject.name == “Sphere” -> Use the ‘Hierarchy’ Name
CASE 2: OnCollision -> Cube will be destroyed
Attach to the Sphere the script:
NOTICE: if you attach the script to the Cube, it will not work!
#pragma strict function OnCollisionEnter (col : Collision) { if(col.gameObject.name == "Cube") { Destroy(col.gameObject); } }
Statement: gameObject.name == “Cube” -> Use the ‘Hierarchy’ Name
CASE 3A: OnCollision -> Multiple Cube will be destroyed
1. Create a Sphere that falls and bource over Multiple Cubes (You have to use Physics 3D engine)
NOTICE: Every Cube can have different names
Attach to every Cubes the script:
#pragma strict function OnCollisionEnter (col : Collision) { if(col.gameObject.name == "Sphere") { // Destroy himself Destroy(gameObject); } }
CASE 3B: OnCollision -> Multiple Cube will be destroyed
1. Create a Sphere that falls and bource over Multiple Cubes (You have to use Physics 3D engine)
NOTICE: Every Cube MUST have the same name (Cube)
Attach to the Sphere the script:
#pragma strict function OnCollisionEnter (col : Collision) { if(col.gameObject.name == "Cube") { // Destroy Cube Destroy(col.gameObject); } }