Unity – Loops – FOR – WHILE – DO WHILE – FOR EACH

In Unity loops can execute a block of code a number of times.


#pragma strict

var numEnemies : int = 3;

function Start ()
    for(var i : int = 0; i < numEnemies; i++)
        Debug.Log("Creating enemy number: " + i);

The result is:
Creating enemy number: 0
Creating enemy number: 1
Creating enemy number: 2


#pragma strict

var cupsInTheSink : int = 4;

function Start ()
    while(cupsInTheSink > 0)
        Debug.Log ("I've washed a cup!");

The result is:
I’ve washed a cup! (number 4)
I’ve washed a cup! (number 3)
I’ve washed a cup! (number 2)
I’ve washed a cup! (number 1)


#pragma strict

function Start()
    var shouldContinue : Boolean = false;
        print ("Hello World");
    }while(shouldContinue == true);

The result is:
Hello World if shouldContinue == true

<h2>FOR EACH and ARRAYS</h2>

#pragma strict

function Start () 
    var strings = ["First string", "Second string", "Third string"];
    for(var item : String in strings)
        print (item);

The result is:

First string
Second string
Third string