Videogames Development – Unity – How to create a countdown

Assign this code to an Empty Object in the Scene:

#pragma strict

var endTime : float;

function Start()
    endTime = Time.time + 60;

function Update()
    var timeLeft : int = endTime - Time.time;
    // We do not need negative time
    if (timeLeft < 0) timeLeft = 0;

Take it from the top:

1. Declare ‘endTime’ variable
2. inside ‘Start()’, setup inital value ‘endTime’=’Time.time’ (this is the time in seconds since the start of the game) + 60 -> 60 seconds
3. inside ‘Update(), ‘timeLeft’ = 60 – ‘Time.time’ (this is the time in seconds since the start of the game) -> 59…58…57
if (timeLeft < 0) timeLeft = 0; we do not need negative time show inside debug console 'timeLeft'