Unity – User input – Load Scene – GetButton – JS
1. MAIN TOP MENU> GameObject> Create Other> Cube
2. Hierarchy> Cude> Inspector> Add Component> New Script> JavaScript> LoadLevel2.js
#pragma strict function Update() { // press spacebar to load Level2 if(Input.GetButton("Jump")){ Application.LoadLevel ("Level2"); } }
3. Files> Save Scene as… Level1.unity
1. MAIN TOP MENU> GameObject> Create Other> Sphere
2. Files> Save Scene as… Level2.unity
Building Settings
1. File> Building Settings…
2. Project> DRAG AND DROP Level1 over Building Settings> Scenes in Build
3. Project> DRAG AND DROP Level2 over Building Settings> Scenes in Build
TOP Play button, Level1.unity starts -> press keyboard spacebar -> Level2.unity starts