Unity3D – C# – Basic Syntax

First you need call basic namespace and nest all the code inside a class with the name of your script, see the example below.

Basic Structure

Project Window> RMB> Create> C#> name it ‘MyFirstScript’> double click to open ‘MonoDevelop’ editor

// call basic namespace of Unity3D
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

// MonoBehaviour is the base class every script derives from
// class nameofmyscript : derived from MonoBehaviour
public class MyFirstScript : MonoBehaviour {

// Unity3D exclusive function - Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
	}// END Start()

// Unity3D exclusive function - Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
	}// END Update()

}// END of class MyFirstScript

Variables and Fuctions

// call basic namespace of Unity3D
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

// MonoBehaviour is the base class every script derives from
// scope class nameofmyscript : derived from MonoBehaviour
public class MyFirstScript : MonoBehaviour {
	// declare variables
	// scope type nameofvariable = value
	public int myInt = 5;   // you can setup it inside inspector
	private int myInt2 = 6;	// you can't setup it inside inspector
	// Unity3D exclusive function - Use this for initialization - void because it has no type
	void Start () {
		myInt = MultiplyByTwo(myInt);
		Debug.Log (myInt);
	}// END Start()
	// Your custom fuction
	// scope type functionname (type variable)
	public int MultiplyByTwo (int number)
		int ret;
		ret = number * 2;
		return ret;
	// Unity3D exclusive function - Update is called once per frame - void because it has no type
	void Update () {
	}// END Update()
}// END of class MyFirstScript