Unity3D – Create a Class – Easy Example
Watch the code:
#pragma strict class Audio // create a Class, you will have the tringle to expand Class content into Inspector { var crunchSFX : AudioClip; // Assign in Inspector } var myAudioClass : Audio; // store the whole Class content inside a variable function OnTriggerEnter(other : Collider) { // play the SFX calling Class audio.PlayOneShot(myAudioClass.crunchSFX, 1); } // END OnTriggerEnter
The steps are:
1. Create a Class
class Audio { var crunchSFX : AudioClip; // Assign in Inspector }
2. Store the whole Class content inside a variable
var myAudioClass : Audio;
3. Call the Class content using the statement:
// variable with Class content . variable name ... myAudioClass.crunchSFX ...