Unreal Game Engine – Blueprints – Mesh Rotator

1. LEFT COLUMN> Content Browser> RMB over a Mesh (example Floor_400x400)> Create Blueprint Using…> select your ‘Blueprints’ folder> give it the name (example Floor_400x400_Blueprint)

2. Blueprint window> TOP RIGHT> Components> WHELL MOUSE BUTTON to zoom in/out

3. Blueprint window> TOP RIGHT> Graph> you can see component on the RIGHT COLUMN: – StaticMesh1

4. Blueprint window> TOP RIGHT> Graph> RMB over an Empty Area> Add Timeline

5. DOUBLE CLICK Timeline box> Timeline window> Add Vector Track

6. Vector Track> TOP LEFT> name the track ‘Rotator’

7. Vector Track> TOP> Length> 1 second

8. Vector Track> RMB over empty area> Add Key: 0 sec->1 / 1 sec->360

9. Float Track> TOP> check Autoplay and Loop

10. Event Graph> RIGHT COLUMN> DRAG AND DROP StaticMesh1 over an empty area> Get (to add StaticMesh1 block)

11. Event Graph> DRAG from StaticMesh1 to an empty area> Set Relative Rotation (to add Relative Rotation block)

12. Event Graph> DRAG from Timeline>Update to Set Relative Rotation>exec

13. Event Graph> DRAG from Timeline>Rotator to an empty area (to add Break Vector)

14. Event Graph> DRAG from Set Relative Rotation>New Rotation to an empty area (to add Make Rot block)

15. Event Graph> Create other connections as in the image below

16. Unreal Editor> Content Browser> Blueprint folder> ‘Floor_400x400_Blueprint’ DRAG AND DROP into scene

17. Play


For italian people: come funziona?

1. Timeline invia i valori di Rotator ad ogni fotogramma alla funzione Set Relative Rotation
2. Set Relative Rotation invia i dati di rotazione a Static Mesh 1

NOTA BENE: la traccia Rotator deve essere prima separata con Break Vector, poi assegnata con Make Rot a New Rotation