Unreal Game Engine – Create New Project an New Levels


1. File> New Project
2. New Project Window> Blank
3. Check ‘Include starter content’
4. Name: yournameProject
5. on the right click over the button to expand window and choose a Folder
6. click ‘Create Project’ button


The project will be opened, after that:

1. MAIN TOP MENU> Edit> Editor Preferences>
– General Appearance> User Interface> check ‘Use Small Tool Bar Icons’
– Loading & Saving > uncheck Autosave

2. MAIN TOP MENU> Edit> Project Settings>
– Game> Supported Platforms
– Engine> Input
– Platforms> iOS / Windows


Setup Viewport

1. Window> Viewports> Viewport2
2. DRAG AND DROP the viewport label under TOP Toolbar to create a new stable window in the workarea


A videogame project can be divided in different levels: Level1, Level2, Level3 etc…

To create new levels: MAIN TOP MENU> File> New Level
To save levels: MAIN TOP MENU> File> Save or Save As… -> Unreal will create the file ‘Level1.umap’ (Unreal Map)